Thank you for your support !
Thanks to all your donations on this compilation, we have successfully collected and donated
to Lille’s hospital.
We have decided to maximise transparency on this donation campaign so w took the time to compile all your donations, all the twitch subscriptions and all the compilation pre-order in a publicly accessible Google Sheet accessible here
Also you can find our donations receipts here :
Again, we cannot thank you enough for your support on this compilation. We never expected to collect this amount of money and we’re very happy to be able to support local hospitals. This compilation is full of young talents, go stream it and don’t hesitate to show your support !
More infos about Lille Hospital and how they use collected money :
Don’t hesitate to contact us : [email protected]
You have questions ? We might have answers !
When the compilation will be available ?
This compilation will be out on May 26th on all streaming & distribution platforms.
How can I be released on this compilation ?
Aiming to follow its objective of revealing young producers, Noir Sur Blanc proposes to organize 3 feedback sessions on KOOS Twitch channel. On April 24th, April 29th and May 1st 2020, KOOS, kramder & Grauer will review up-and-coming producers’ creations and select tracks for the compilation.
How can I show my support ?
There is a lot of ways to support us :
- Share this page and our project as much as you can !
- Subscribe to KOOS’s twitch channel for one month ! (You can get a month free with your Amazon Prime account : check this here and here)
- Make a donation :
Where the money will be donated ?
All the money collected on KOOS Twitch channel from April 22th to June 30th will be donated at the CHRU of Lille via HelloAsso (
Our donation receipt will be posted on this page in July.
Why am I making a donation to KOOS and not directly to the CHRU of Lille ?
There is several reasons we’re doing it this way :
- We need to collect your email and information so we can send you your exclusive compilation download link on May 22nd
- For all the livestream animations & goals, we need to know in real time the donations amount, thing that we cannot do if we don’t collect donations by ourself.
You can still make a direct donation to Lille’s hospital directly by clicking here